Office building re-launched following £250k investment
December 2015

Our office agency team recently hosted an office launch event at the newly-refurbished Park View House office building in Four Lane Ends. The property has recently undergone a major external refurbishment, which has helped to create renewed interest in the offices.
Newcastle office agents attended the launch, which was followed by a private screening of Anchor Man at the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle.
The landlord, RPU Group Plc, has invested over £250,000 in the building over the last six months, the most recent work being a significant upgrade to the façade of the building to complement the newly refurbished office suites inside.
Park View House, which is situated on Front Street adjacent to Four Lane Ends metro station, has office suites ranging from small, two person offices starting at 252sqft to larger suites of 4,000sqft which can accommodate up to fifty people
Two second floor office suites totalling 1,100sqft have recently been let to Living Ambitions, a charity which provides care and support to individuals with learning disabilities.
Simon Taylor, head of office agency said: “Park View House offers good value, out-of-town office space which is available on flexible lease agreements from £10 per sqft. It is well located close to the metro station, bus station, parking and the shops at Four Lane Ends with only a five minute drive into Newcastle city centre. The works to the front elevation have helped to create fresh interest in the building and we are confident further new lettings will follow.”